22 June 2024 -
17:30 -
CONCERTO - FESTA EUROPEA DELLA MUSICA 2024 Suoni e silenzi del XX e XXI secolo
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento FLESSIBILITA’ LINEARI ENSEMBLE
Flauto traverso: Orsola Angelo, Francescopaolo Ciaramella, Martina d’Albenzio,
Giovanni D’Onofrio; Flauti a becco: Alessandro De Carolis; Clarinetto: Gennaro
Falzarano, Marco Lonardo; Clarinetto basso: Pietro Ciriello; Sax Alto: Nicola Vitale;
Chitarra: Martina Salvia, Antonio Bozza, Pasquale Di Palma; Arpa: Naira Reis De
Souza; Percussioni: Gaetano Corvino, Francesco Pio Papaccio; Violino: Antonia
Valente; Violoncello: Elena Sara Del Canto; Contrabbasso: Simona Buongiardino,
Francesco Chiacchio; Pianoforte: Giovanni Mascia, Rosalia Sabrina Vitale.
Direzione: Claudio Gabriele
• Right Durations • Connection • Meeting Point
22 April 2024 -
10:30 -
Le città invisibili Concerto-tesi di laurea di II livello di Valerio Marro
Sala Rapalo Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Giovanni D'Onofrio, Orsola Angelo, Martina D'Albenzio, Francescopaolo Ciaramella - Flauto; Marco Lonardo - Clarinetto; Pietro Ciriello - Clarinetto basso; Francesco Chirico - violino; Francesco Chiacchio, Simona Buongiardino - contrabbasso; Martina Salvia, Antonio Bozza, Pasquale Di Palma - chitarra; Gaetano Corvino - percussioni; Naira Reis De Suoza - Arpa; Rosalia Sabrina Vitale - pianoforte; Daniele Schirone - voce recitante; Valerio Marro - Direzione Direzione Artistica: Claudio Gabriele
Musiche di Valerio Marro, ispirate dai racconti delle Città Invisibili di Italio Calvino
10 February 2024 -
18:00 -
L'ALTRO CHE SIAMO di Giovanni Simoneschi
Presso: Libreria Eli - Roma
Dialoga con l'autore Leonardo Conti, scrittore, poeta e critico d'arte. Commento musicale con opere di Claudio Gabriele, compositore, direttore d'orchestra e docente presso il conservatorio di Benevento. Seguirà brindisi
Viale Somalia 50/A - Roma
Prenotazione: eventi@libreriaeli.it Tel: 06/86211712
19 December 2023 -
16:30 -
Serenata per un satellite - Omaggio a Bruno Maderna
Teatro S. Vittorino, Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Musiche di Bruno Maderna, John Cage, Claudio Gabriele, ed elaborazioni collettive.
November 2023 -
Un Organo per Roma
Conservatorio Santa Cecilia, Sala Accademica, ore 18:00
Ideazione e direzione artistica di Giorgio Carnini - Ottava edizione 2023 Domenica 5 Novembre 2023 - ore 18.00 Musiche di J. S. Bach, Claudio Perugini, Claudio Gabriele
3-16 June 2023 -
China Tour - Seminars and Masterclass
Chengdo, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Wenzhou, Beijing
29 June 2023 -
Open Day dipartimento Composizione
Conservatorio Statale di Musica Nicola Sala - Benevento
A cura dei docenti: Claudio Gabriele, Rosalba Quindici, Giulia Tagliavia. Con la collaborazione delle classi di Armonia M° Salvatore Campanale, Innocenzo Iannitelli, Simone Movio
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento - Aula 8, III piano
May 2023 -
Un Organo per Roma
Conservatorio Santa Cecilia, Sala Accademica, ore 18:00
Ideazione e direzione artistica di Giorgio Carnini - Ottava edizione 2023
21 April 2023 -
Concerto - Tesi di Laurea - Frida Cuccurullo - Carla Iorio
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Prima parte: ore 10 - Sala Rapalo Frida Cuccurullo: La voce dello Spazio Mercurio, Venere, Terra, Marte, Giove, Saturno, Urano e Nettuno Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Seconda parte: ore 11 - Sala Bonazzi Carla Iorio: Flessibilità Lineari - Un altro punto di vista Video documentario Claudio Gabriele: Farben der Stille (I colori del silenzio) Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Venerdì 21 aprile 2023 - Conservatorio, Via Mario La Vipera 1 - Benevento
January 2023 -
Claudio Gabriele: GioCar di Fantasia – Organo – Editions Cassiopée Musique, 2023
ENGLISH - Fantasia for organ, composed on a theme derived from the letters of the name GIORGIO CARNINI, a tribute to the organist of the same name. The musical writing has a 'toccata' character, the style is fluid and often arpeggiated, on a non-tonal harmonic texture. Different rhythmic patterns alternate with agility and suggest as many keyboard or register changes. Difficulty: professional level. Duration: 4'15". - Claudio Gabriele, composer, pianist, organist, conductor, studied in Rome at the “Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia”. He specialised at New York University and IRCAM in Paris. In addition to teaching composition, Claudio Gabriele has an intense creative activity in chamber, orchestral and electroacoustic music. His compositions are performed internationally in important institutions and festivals.
FRANÇAIS - Fantaisie pour orgue, composée sur un thème dérivé des lettres du nom GIORGIO CARNINI, en hommage à l'organiste du même nom. L'écriture musicale a un caractère de "toccata", le style est fluide et souvent arpégé, sur un tissu harmonique non-tonal. Différents motifs rythmiques alternent avec agilité et suggèrent autant de changements de clavier ou de registre. Difficulté : niveau professionnel. Durée : 4'15". - Claudio Gabriele, compositeur, pianiste, organiste, chef d'orchestre, a étudié à Rome au « Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia ». Il s'est spécialisé à la New York University et à l'IRCAM à Paris. Parallèlement à l'enseignement de la composition, Claudio Gabriele mène une intense activité créatrice dans le domaine de la musique de chambre, orchestrale et électroacoustique. Ses compositions sont jouées internationalement dans d'importantes institutions et festivals.
ITALIANO - Fantasia per organo, composta su un tema derivato dalle lettere del nome GIORGIO CARNINI, omaggio all’omonimo organista. La scrittura musicale ha un carattere di “toccata”, lo stile è fluido e spesso arpeggiato, su un tessuto armonico non tonale. Diversi pattern ritmici si alternano con agilità e suggeriscono altrettanti cambi di tastiera o di registri. Difficoltà: livello professionale. Durata: 4’15”. - Claudio Gabriele, compositore, pianista, organista, direttore d’orchestra, ha studiato a Roma al Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia. Si è perfezionato alla New York University e all’IRCAM di Parigi. Oltre all’insegnamento della Composizione, Claudio Gabriele ha un’intensa attività creativa di musica cameristica, orchestrale, elettroacustica. Le sue composizioni sono eseguite a livello internazionale in importanti istituzioni e festival.
12-13 December 2022 -
Il sassofono contemporaneo e le nuove tecnologie
Auditorium S. Vittorino - Via Tenente Pellegrini - BN Stéphane Sordet - Saxophone & Sylphyo
MASTERCLASS: Lunedì 12 dicembre - ore 14 - 20 Martedì 13 dicembre - ore 8 - 14
CONCERTO: Martedì 13 dicembre - ore 11 Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble Direzione: Claudio Gabriele
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento
26 October 2022 -
20:30 -
Premio "Lilian Caraian"
Conservatorio di Musica di Trieste - Sala Tartini Myriam Genito
Premio "Lilian Caraian” XXXV Edizione – Arpa Concerto dei vincitori
Musiche: Domenico Scarlatti: Sonata K 2013 Adone Zecchi: Trittico Toshio Hosokawa: Two Japanese Folk Songs Claudio Gabriele: L’âge de la lune Arpa: Myriam Genito
Conservatorio di Musica di Trieste - Sala Tartini - Via Carlo Ghega, 12
mercoledì 26 ottobre 2022 ore 20.30
20-24 September 2022 -
Darfo Boario Terme - Brescia Laboratorio di Esecuzione ed Improvvisazione con e senza elettronica.
Audiovisual Art e Intallazioni d'arte.
Musiche nell'Orizzonte Digitale.
Produzione Artistica Conservatorio Darfo
Un'opportunità, unica, per conoscere, fare e saper fare.
DOCENTI: Claudio Gabriele, Giuseppe Giuliano, Giovanni Sparano e Francesco Maria Paradiso
Laboratorio di Esecuzione ed Improvvisazione con e senza elettronica.
Audiovisual Art e Intallazioni d'arte.
22 April 2022 -
11:00 -
ARIA MIX: omaggio a John Cage e Olivier Messiaen per il 30° anniversario
Auditorim Emmaus - Cerreto Sannita (BN) Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Dipartimento di Composizione e Musicologia Incontro con gli studenti del Liceo Musicale Carafa-Giustiniani
Musiche: Erik Satie, Morton Feldman, Claudio Gabriele, John Cage, Olivier Messiaen, Karlheinz Stockhausen
25 March 2022 -
19:00 -
Composer aujourd’hui : discussion online avec Claudio Gabriele
Compositeur italien, sa recherche a touché plusieurs secteurs de la musique: le solo, l'ensemble, l'orchestre. Son activité actuelle se développe autour de plusieurs axes d’intérêt : la recherche électroacoustique; la mise en valeur du paysage sonore et des sons extramusicaux; l’emploi d’instruments d’autres cultures et l’interaction avec d’autres arts. Claudio Gabriele a travaillé sur ces aspects à travers l’expérimentation sur terrain, par un ensemble instrumental et vocal hétérogène appartenant au projet « Flessibilità Lineari » qu’il mène depuis des années. Son but est celui de proposer de nouveaux mondes sonores toujours dans le sillage de la musique savante.
"Le Vendredi du GriiiM" - Modératrice: Brigida Migliore
27 February 2022 -
15:00 -
KLASIK Festival Brest 2022
Rostrenen - Salle des fêtes Solo Saxophone: Stéphane Sordet
Claudio Gabriele: "Dimanche Soir" - World Premier
Salle des fêtes, Place du Bourg Coz, 22110 Rostrenen
29 January 2022 -
Jean-Marie Londeix, légende du saxophone français
Auditorium du Conservatoire, Boulogne-Billancourt
Jean-Marie Londeix, légende du saxophone français
À l’occasion du 90e anniversaire de la naissance de Jean-Marie Londeix, doyen des saxophonistes français, l’association Saxiana, le CRR de Boulogne-Billancourt et le PSPBB, organisent un évènement relatant la carrière de cet artiste de renommée internationale et l’apport considérable qu’il a eu par son action sur l’essor du saxophone durant la deuxième moitié du XXe siècle.
19h Concert Final - Programme:
François Rossé: Fuku Yama et Vinum Sacrum / Improvisation!
Jaques Ibert: Concertino da camera / Arno Bornkamp
Christian Lauba: Massaï / Esther Pamelard & Chiharu Ogura
Hans Zender: Konzertino (extrait - création française) / Nicolas Prost
Dimitri Levidis: Variations (1912) / Carl-Emmanuel Fisbach
Maria-Eugenia Luc: Zeruan (création française) / Ensemble du Bout du Monde
Alain Louvier: 5 portraits et une image (extrait) / Carmen Lefrançois
Claudio Gabriele: Je t'aime / Jean-Michel Goury & Emilie André.
Denis Levaillant: La petite danseuse de Degas (extrait) / Vidéo-Musique
Avec la participation des Etudiants du CRR de Boulogne-Billancourt et du PSPBB, dir Evelyne Aiello.
Auditorium du Conservatoire - 22 rue de la Belle-Feuille, Boulogne-Billancourt
6/7 December 2021 -
Masterclass del M° Francesco Paradiso Sonorismo - Il fascino travolgente delle masse sonore
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento Lunedì 6 Dicembre, ore 14-20 - Martedì 7 Dicembre, ore 9-13 / 14-16
L'obbiettivo della masterclass è introdurre gli studenti della Scuola di Composizione, Musicologia, Direzione d'Orchestra, Composizione Elettroacustica e tutti gli strumentisti e cantanti interessati, alla poetica del Sonorismo. La composizione musicale nasce attraverso trasformazioni di masse sonore e l'utilizzo, allo stesso tempo, di suoni e di modi di produzione non convenzionali. Prendono vita, con riferimento a Pierre Schaeffer, "oggetti sonori" o sintesi timbriche che limitano o eliminano la rilevanza degli elementi primari e tradizionali della composizione musicale: la melodia, l'armonia ed il ritmo. L'evento è strutturato in tre fasi: 1 - Conferenza; 2 - Atelier pratico per compositori e strumentisti; 3 - Piccola performance pubblica
- Kazuo Fukushima: Mei (flauto solo)
- Wil Offermans: Honami (flauto solo)
1 - Un quarto a mezzanotte - pittura: Paul Klee; testo: Giorgio Caproni
2 - Lasciatemi divertire - pittura: Paul Klee; testo: Aldo Palazzeschi; musica: Claudio Gabriele
3 - Prima del fulmine - pittura: Paul Klee; testo: Steven Wright
Flessibilità lineari Ensamble:
Anita Marcarelli, Martina Rucci: flauto; Nadya Imbelli: oboe e voce recitante; Ylenia
Italiano: clarinetto in Si b; Nicola Berardi: clarinetto piccolo in Mi b, clarinetto basso;
Alberto Saldutti: fagotto; Frida Cuccurullo: soprano; Gaia De Rosa, Maria Rosaria Valletta:
percussioni; Sabrina Vitale: pianoforta preparato; Veronica De Falco: direttore di palcoscenico.
Direttore: Claudio Gabriele
14 February 2020 -
20:30 -
Danse et Théâtre
Conservatoire de la Provence Verte
Le Conservatoire de la Provence Verte vous propose de venir découvrir un paysage sonore contemporain dans lequel le traitement informatique du son dialogue avec la musique instrumentale, la danse et le théâtre. Musique: Claudio Gabriele.
Saint Maximin la Sainte Baume
Concert Gratuit. Retrait des places à la billetterie de la Croisée des Arts avant le 14 février 2020. Aucune réservation
19 December 2019 -
18:00 -
Il dolce rumore della vita
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Spettacolo multimediale:
Brani per Ensemble completo, brani solistici, proiezione di immagini, voci, testi, strumenti elettroacustici.
13° anniversario di Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble - Rassegna Note di Natale 2019
30 November 2019 -
14:00 -
Deambulations Contemporaines
Centre d'Art Contemporain à Châteauvert - France Concert-création d'œuvres de chambre de Claudio Gabriele
Déambulations en musique des élèves de l'EIMAD au Centre d'art contemporain de Châteauvert, ouvert gratuitement au public à cette occasion.
Chemin de la Reparade, 83670 Châteauvert, France
17 October 2019 -
11:00 -
Concerto-Tesi di Laurea Triennale - Carlo Mazzini – Ernesto Tortorella
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
1 - Ernesto Tortorella: Ὑπατία - All’astro immacolato
2 - Carlo Mazzini: “Il viaggiatore senza scopo”
Flauti: Anita Marcarelli, Enza Pozzuto, Samuel Mangiacapre; Ottavino: Enza Pozzuto; Oboe: Alessandra Squarcio; Clarinetto: Marco Patierno; Fagotto: Alberto Saldutti, Giovanni Grasso; Percussioni: Leandro Pilotti, Tommaso Cioffi, Niccolò Russo, Francesco Pio Viola; Pianoforte: Valerio Marro; Voci: Alessia Di Cicco, Frida Cuccurullo; Violino I: Mirko Piedimonte; Violino II: Antimo Di Donato; Viola: Giangiuseppe Mancini; Violoncello: Emilio Mottola; Direttori: Ernesto Tortorella; Carlo Mazzini.
02 July 2019 -
20:30 -
Concert Création
La Croisée des Arts - Saint-Maximin-La-Sainte-Baume Le Conservatoire de la Provence Verte et l'École Intercommunale de Musique, Art et Danse de Brignoles
Sous la direction de Sylvain Guignery-Gouérec, Oeuvres de Claudio Gabriele
«Scherzo Concertante» pour orchestre et piano
«Limpido Caotico Silenzio» pour 2 flûtes, 1 clarinette et 1 guitare
«Voyage à Cluny» pour 3 trompettes
«Asteroid K» pour 2 violons et 2 violoncelles
«Le Rossignol» pour flûte, saxophone alto, 10 comédiens et piano.
Concert gratuit. Retrait des places a la billetterie de la Croisée des Arts
21 June 2019 -
19:00 -
Festa Europea della Musica 2019 - Lumière, musique, paroles …
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Direttore: Claudio Gabriele
1 - Sabrina Vitale: Utopie delle realtà – sequenza cinematografica con musica dal vivo
2 - Valerio Marro: Capriccio - per clarinetto solo
3 - Claudio Gabriele: Pensieri alati - per voce e ensemble
4 - Frida Cuccurullo: Pepita – per flauto, fagotto, contrabbasso, pianoforte.
5 - Claudio Gabriele: Rêve transparent - per fagotto solo
6 - L’arrivo del treno – sequenza dei primi cortometraggi muti dei fratelli Lumière con musica dal vivo
Marzia Maddalena (flauto); Simone Memoli, Alessandra Squarcio (oboe); Antonella Rinaldi (clarinetto); Elisa Vito (fagotto); Assunta Tenneriello (sassofono); Antonio Cofrancesco (contrabbasso); Giuseppe Leonardis (percussioni); Frida Cuccurullo, Carmen Del Vecchio (voci); Valerio Marro, Sabrina Vitale (pianoforte preparato).
9-15 April 2019 -
China Tour
China Tour 9-15 April 2019: Confrences, Masterclass.
30 April 2019 -
14:00 -
Occhi chiusi spalancati
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento 12° anniversario di Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble Concerto-Laurea 2018-19
Seth Parker Woods, an award-winning cellist and inaugural artist-in-residence for the Seattle Symphony, will give a recital of solo cello music by Giacinto Scelsi, Giuseppe Maria Dall’Abaco, Claudio Gabriele, Giovanni Batista Vitali, and Alvin Singleton, on Tuesday, March 5, at 6:30 p.m. in the University of Baltimore's Wright Theater, 21 W Mt. Royal Ave. The performance is free and open to the public.
In addition to his recital, Woods will give two masterclass presentations on performance and life as an artist to Integrated Arts classes at UB.
Hailed by The Guardian as "a cellist of power and grace" who possesses "mature artistry and willingness to go to the brink," Woods was named the inaugural artist-in-residence for the Seattle Symphony last year. In addition to solo performances, he has appeared with the Basel Sinfonietta, the New York City Ballet, and Orchestra of St. Luke’s. A fierce advocate for contemporary arts, Woods has collaborated and worked with a wide range of artists including Louis Andriessen, Elliott Carter, G. F. Haas, Peter Gabriel, Sting, and Lou Reed.
Woods earned his Ph.D from Huddersfield University and is currently a lecturer in music at Dartmouth University. His visit to the University of Baltimore is supported by the Peggy and Yale Gordon Charitable Trust, which has supported the advancement of classical music in Baltimore for the past 35 years.
02 March 2019 -
11:00 -
Limpido caotico silenzio
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento 12° anniversario di Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble Concerto-Laurea 2018-19
27 November 2018 -
20:00 -
Dehiscence: A Sonic Radicalisation
Elyria, Cleveland, USA Seth Parker Woods, Cello Signature Recital
Anonymous: Sonata in A minor: Como manuscript
Giacinto Scelsi: Maknongan (1976)
Giuseppe Maria Dall’Abaco: Capriccio primo
Claudio Gabriele: PNOM (2005)
Giovanni Battista Vitali: Passa Galli
Alvin Singleton: Argoru II (1970)
Giacinto Scelsi: Triphon: Jeunesse, Energie (1957)
Stocker Arts Center, Cirigliano Studio Theatre 1005 Abbe Rd N Elyria, OH 44035, Elyria 44035
22 October 2018 -
11:00 -
Le onde della vita
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Sala Bonazzi - Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
1) Kandinskij improvvisa (filmato) Flauto e pianoforte
2) Dall'eternità all'istante (testo di Scriabin) Ensemble completo
3) The Painted Lady (cortometraggio di David Griffith) Ensemble completo
4) La Corazzata Potemkin (dal film di Sergej M. Eisenstein, testi di Majakovskij) Ensemble completo
16 October 2018 -
16:00 -
The Painted Lady - Spettacolo Multimediale
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
1) Dall'eternità all'istante (testo di Scriabin) Ensemble completo
2) Kandinsky improvvisa (filmato) Flauto e pianoforte
3) Frida Cuccurullo: Clacson - Quintetto di Fiati
4) Carlo Mazzini: Quintetto retrogrado - Quintetto di Fiati
5) Ernesto Tortorella: Sotto l’Arco di Traiano - Quintetto di Fiati
6) The Painted Lady (cortometraggio di Griffith) - Ensemble completo
7) La Corazzata Potemkin (dal film di Eisenstein, testi di Maiakovsky) - Ensemble completo
Direzione: Claudio Gabriele
04 October 2018 -
18:00 -
Chicago - USA Seth Parker Woods
In this performance, Seth Parker Woods juxtaposes a series of solo cello works - from
17th-century Italian Baroque pieces to 20th- and 21st-century radical contemporary
compositions. Drawing inspiration from natural landscapes, found sounds, the Twi
language, and Tibetan ritualistic practices to create their compositions, the various
works on this program together offer insight into the connections and conversations
between the old and new around the theme of invention and the act of borrowing.
Anonymous: Sonata in A minor: Como Manuscript
Giacinto Scelsi:Maknongan (1976) solo cello
Giuseppe Maria Dall'Abaco: Capriccio primo solo cello
Claudio Gabriele: PNOM (2005) solo cello
Giovanni Battista Vitali: Passa Galli solo cello
Alvin Singleton: Argoru II (1970) solo cello
Giacinto Scelsi: Triphon: Jeunesse, Energie (1957) solo cello
Gallery 141 - Chicago - U.S.A. Photo by Michael Yu
10 July 2018 -
13:30 -
Vanderbilt Music Academy
Hotel de Gallifet, Aix-en-Provence, France Thomas Verrier, Conductor - Vanderbilt University Ensemble
Claudio Gabriele: LUNCH TIME for Brass and Strings Ensemble
World Premiere
52 rue Cardinale, 13100 Aix-en-Provence, France
01 July 2018 -
20:00 -
Aix-en-Provence - France Orchestre Symphonique du Conservatoire - Direction: Jean Philippe Dambreville
"Le Magicien d'Aix" Poème pour Grande Orchestre Symphonique en 14 tableaux, autour de la vie de Gabriel Dussurget (fondateur du Festival d'Aix, 70me Anniversaire).
Auditorium Campra, Conservatoire Darius Milhaud – Aix-en-Provence link
30 June 2018 -
20:30 -
Prix Gabriel Dussurget
Aix-en-Provence - France Orchestre Symphonique du Conservatoire - Direction: Jean Philippe Dambreville
"Le Magicien d'Aix" Poème pour Grande Orchestre Symphonique en 14 tableaux, autour de la vie de Gabriel Dussurget (fondateur du Festival d'Aix, 70me Anniversaire).
Auditorium Campra, Conservatoire Darius Milhaud – Aix-en-Provence link
22 June 2018 -
17:00 -
Il Poeta del tuo silenzio - Spettacolo multimediale
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble - 11° Anniversario
Musiche di:
Frida Cuccurullo, Marianna Iannella, Valerio Marro, Carlo Mazzini, Maria Teresa Scarinzi, Ernesto Tortorella, Sabrina Vitale, Claudio Gabriele
Principali Interpreti:
Enza Pozzuto, Marzia Maddalena, flauti; Alessandra Squarcio, oboe; Antonella Rinaldi,clarinetto; Assunta Tenneriello, sassofono; Tommaso Cioffi, percussioni;
Francesca D’Orsi, Chiara Sgambato, arpe;Angelantonio Feola, mandolino;Giulia Jo,
voce; XiaoyuLiu, violoncello; Antonio Cofrancesco, contrabbasso; Luvian Zhao,
ghuzeng; Kim Gioia, erhu; Ivan Virgulto, Gilda Pennucci Molinaro, voci recitanti; Carlo Mazzini, direzione; Alessandra Bene, Frida Cuccurullo, Alessia Di Cicco, Marianna Iannella, Marianna Scrima, soprani; Ernesto Tortorella, fisarmonica; Flaminia Samperi, Valerio Marro, pianoforte. Chitarre. Coro.
Direzione Claudio Gabriele
09 May 2018 -
10:10 -
CARS Celebration 2018
Bridgewater State University MA – USA Jonathan Amon saxophone
This presentation will feature live solo performances of two solo works for saxophone, "Reverie" (2011) by Mark Popeney, and "Brooklyn" (2014) by Claudio Gabriele. I will briefly outline the current position of the saxophone in classical music, the historical context of these works in the saxophone repertory and provide program notes for each of these two works. This presentation will consist of three segments: 10 minutes of oral presentation, 15 minutes of performance, and 5 minutes reserved for questions.
Moderator: Simone Poliandri
Location: Hart 117
18 April 2018 -
19:00 -
The Italian Academy for Advanced Studies in America
New York City, Columbia University Seth Parker Woods, cellist performing Claudio Gabriele PNOM for solo cello.
Complete program:
Giacinto Scelsi: Maknongan (1976)
Claudio Gabriele: PNOM (2005)
Matthias Pintscher: Janusgesicht (2001)
Giacinto Scelsi: Triphon (1957)
Photo by Rick Whitaker
11 March 2018 -
9:00 -
North American Saxophone Alliance 2018
University of Cincinnati
Solo Works by Claudio Gabriele “Brooklyn” and Mark Popeney “Reverie” Jonathan Amon, Saxophone
Jonathan Amon performs most frequently as a soloist and in chamber music settings. His primary interests are intersections between popular and classical idioms, as well as contemporary American and French saxophone repertoire. He has participated in commissions and premieres of works by Harold Shapero, Chris Rutkowski, Roscoe Mitchell, and many others, and he performs with the Boston-based ChagallPAC Saxophone Quartet. Dr. Amon serves on the faculties of the University of Rhode Island, Bridgewater State University, and Bunker Hill Community College, where he teaches saxophone and various music history courses. He also teaches at the Concord/Carlisle High School and The Fenn School, and is an adjudicator for the Massachusetts Music Educators Association. Amon earned a DMA at Boston University and MM at the New England Conservatory, both under the tutelage of Ken Radnofsky. His other teachers include Jean-Michel Goury at the CNR Boulogne-Billancourt, and Matthew Sintchak at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.
College Conservatory of Music Cincinnati, Ohio
23 February 2018 -
12:00 -
Dall’eternità all’istante - Concerto da camera
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Sala Bonazzi - Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
University of Rhode Island - USA Collaborative Sax Quartet
J.S. Bach: Fugue in G Minor BWV 578
Mark Popeney: Reverie
Jean-Claude Risset: Diptere
Jaime Fatas: Flamenco Sin Limites
Claudio Gabriele: Brooklyn
Heitor Villa-Lobos: Bachianas Brasilieras No.5
Jeremie Jones: Suite No.5
Brooklyn, a piece composed by Italian composer Claudio Gabriele. Inspired by the city after which it is named, Jonathan Amon employed a recording over his performance, but, rather than music, the recording contained ambient noises one might hear on a walk through the streets of Brooklyn - pigeons cooing, cars zooming past, a subway train rattling by. The relatively mundane here is transformed when juxtaposed with the clear, jazzy tone of Amon’s saxophone, which invoked the city streets of New York even without the accompanying sound effects.
17 November 2017 -
19:30 -
Organ Recital in New York - USA
New York - USA Federico Teti, Organ
Johann Sebastian Bach: Ciaccona from Partita No. 2 for Solo Violin, BWV 1004
Transcribed for Organ by Ulisse Matthey
Bernardo Pasquini: Toccata con lo scherzo del Cuccù
Transcribed for Organ by Ferruccio Vignanelli
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia
Pietro Mascagni: Intermezzo Sinfonico from "Cavalleria Rusticana"
Transcribed for Organ by Federico Teti
Charles-Marie Widor: Symphony No. 6 in G Minor, Op. 42 No. 2
First movement: Allegro
Marco Enrico Bossi: "Chant du soir" (Evening Song), Op. 92, No. 1
John Weaver: Toccata
Marco Enrico Bossi: Scherzo in G Minor, Op. 49, No. 2
Charles Ives: Variations on "America"
The Lutheran Church of Our Savior - 12 Franklin Avenue - Port Washington, NY
22 October 2017 -
16:00 -
Seth Parker Woods, Solo Cello - Washington - USA
Washington - USA
Following the completion of his doctorate at the University of Huddersfield in England, cellist Seth Parker Woods returned to the US and is now based in Chicago. An innovative musician with interests in dance and movement, he is currently Artist in Residence at Dartmouth College for the 2017/2018 academic year.
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Suite No. 1 in G Major, BWV 1007 (1720)
Chinary Ung: Khse Buon (1980)
Jurg Frey: Im Bereich des Möglichen (1997) - DC premiere
Claudio Gabriele: PNOM for solo cello (2005) - DC premiere
Conrad Beck: Drei Epigramme für solo cello (1976)
Monty Adkins: Winter Tendrils for cello and tape (2015) - DC premiere
The Warne Ballroom at the Cosmos Club - 2121 Massachusetts Ave., NW, Washington DC 20008
13 October 2017 -
16:00 -
Les fleurs en écho - Concerto di musica da camera e teatro musicale
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Large Ensemble - 10° Anniversario
7 - Laboratorio FLEN: Fase di attacco ! Giacomo Bucci, percussioni e voce - Antonella Rinaldi, clarinetto - Guido Piccolo, chitarra - Ivan Virgulto, voce
Testi:1 - Rilke, 2 - Pascoli, 3 - Catullo, 4 - Basho. 5 - Pasolini, 6 - Montale, 7 - F. Piccolo
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento - Sala Bonazzi
02 September 2017 -
20:00 -
Shade Tree Clinic Concert - Nashville - USA
Ingram Hall - Nashville - USA
Claudio Gabriele ZOBEIDE. For the eighth year, a concert benefiting Vanderbilt’s Shade Tree Clinic will be presented Saturday, Sept. 2, by the Blair School of Music. The performance, sponsored by Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, will be in Ingram Hall at the Blair School, 2400 Blakemore Ave., beginning at 8 p.m. This year’s program features performances by Craig Nies and the Nashville Sinfonietta, Thomas Verrier and the Vanderbilt Music Academie Ensemble, and Tucker Biddlecombe and the Vanderbilt Chorale. Dean Whiteside is founder and director of the Nashville Sinfonietta.
21 August 2017 -
21:00 -
Festival del Mediterraneo 2017
Organo: Federico Teti
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Ciaccona della Partita n. 2 in re minore per violino solo, BWV 1004 - Trascrizione per organo di Ulisse Matthey
Bernardo Pasquini: Toccata con lo scherzo del cucù - Trascrizione per organo di Ferruccio Vignanelli
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia
Pietro Mascagni: Intermezzo sinfonico della "Cavalleria rusticana" - Trascrizione per organo di Federico Teti
John Weaver: Toccata
Marco Enrico Bossi: Scherzo in sol minore, op. 49 n.2
Charles Ives: Variazioni su "America"
Cattedrale di Santa Maria, Alghero
10 July 2017 -
20:00 -
Soirée-Concert at Gallifet Art Centre
Festival d’Aix-en-Provence, France Vanderbilt University Ensemble
Claudio Gabriele: ZOBEIDE for Chamber Ensemble Thomas Verrier, conductor
Hôtel de Gallifet - 52 rue Cardinale 13100, Aix en Provence - France
21 June 2017 -
17:00 -
Festa Europea della Musica 2017
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento Harpsichord: Cristina Speranza (World Premiere)
Claudio Gabriele: "L'âge de la lune"
20 June 2017 -
16:00 -
Chi sogna di giorno Spettacolo multimediale di musica, teatro, tecnologia
Auditorium S. Vittorino, Benevento Flessibilità Lineari Large Ensemble Direzione: Claudio Gabriele
Testi di : Edgar Allan Poe, Vladimir Majakovskij, Ludwig Wittgenstein Flauti, ottavino, clarinetti, clarinetto basso, fagotto, trombone, percussioni, arpa, violini, violoncelli, chitarre, basso, pedaliere, distorsori, onde Theremin, sintetizzatore, pianoforte, computer music, fisarmonica, mandolino, guzheng, erhu, voci recitanti e cantanti, mimi
Auditorium S. Vittorino - Benevento
Ingresso libero
07 April 2017 -
17:00 -
Fantasticando Brecht
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Sala Ugo Rapalo - Benevento Spettacolo di musica, teatro, tecnologia
Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble
Quintetto di fiati - fagotto ed elettronica - scene teatrali - grande ensemble
Testi di : Kishu, Ludwig Wittgenstein, Bertolt Brecht, Simone de Beauvoir
Classe del Triennio di Composizione - Classe di Composizione del Triennio di Musica Elettronica
Laboratorio di Improvvisazione e Composizione del Biennio Specialistico
Direttore di Scena: Armando Mandato - Suono: Ernesto Tortorella - Regia: Carlo Mazzini
Direzione: Claudio Gabriele
10 February 2017 -
11:30 -
Oceano in fiamme
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Sala Ugo Rapalo - Benevento Tesi-Concerto di Giuseppina Papaccio L'Arpa Contemporanea: Tecnologia e Improvvisazione Flessibilità Lineari Ensemble Direzione: Claudio Gabriele
Diploma Accademico di II Livello in Discipline Musicali
ad Indirizzo Interpretativo-Compositivo in Arpa Classe di Composizione del Triennio di Musica Elettronica
Laboratorio di Improvvisazione e Composizione del Biennio Specialistico
Direttore di Scena: Armando Mandato - Suono: Ernesto Tortorella - Regia: Carlo Mazzini
Sala Ugo Rapalo – Conservatorio Nicola Sala - Benevento
20 December 2016 -
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento
Programma ore 18.00:
Laboratorio di Composizione: Impression - Grande Ensemble
Frida Cuccurullo: Looney - Antonella Rinaldi: clarinetto
Claudio Gabriele: MokubojiTemple - Luvian Zhao: Guzheng
Classe di Composizione: Oceano in fiamme - Giusy Papaccio: arpa & electronics
Claudio Gabriele: Smart - Gianni Battista Iannucci: clarinetto basso
Laboratorio di Composizione: Geopolitico - Grande Ensemble
Carlo Mazzini: Riflessioni - Marilena Mongillo: flauto
Armando Mandato: Miniatura - Marilena Mongillo: flauto
Ernesto Tortorella: Epifania svelata - Marilena Mongillo: flauto
Claudio Gabriele: Miss Galley - Daniela Esposito: voce & electronics
Ludwig Wittgenstein: Guarda un po’ meglio! - Gilda Pennucci: voce, Angelantonio Feola: chitarra
Laboratorio di Composizione: La barriera di Unmon - Grande Ensemble
Arti figurative: Elisa Vito – Testi poetici: Lorenzo De Michele
Direttore di palcoscenico: Armando Mandato – Ingegnere del suono: Ernesto Tortorella
Regia: Carlo Mazzini
Direzione: Claudio Gabriele
23-24 July 2016 -
Festival de Chaillol 2016 - France
Sylvain Guignery, saxophone
Two concerts at Festival de Chaillol 2016 - 20° Edition Claudio Gabriele: ARRIFLEX 35 for saxophone and Electroacoustic Sounds Saturday 23 July - 21 :00 - Saint Laurent du Cros - Temple Sunday 24 July - 21 :00 - Valserres - Eglise
Festival de Chaillol - 05260 - Saint Michel de Chaillol
10 July 2016 -
20:00 -
Festival d’Aix-en-Provence 2016
Hotel de Gallifet - Aix-en-Provence Vanderbilt University Ensemble
Soirée Concert at Hotel de Gallifet Claudio Gabriele : MORGEN for Chamber Ensemble – World Premiere
Hôtel de Gallifet - 52 Rue Cardinale - 13100 - Aix en Provence
24 June 2016 -
17:00 -
Valentino Santarcangelo: Impatto
vibrafono e due percussionisti
Stefania Punziano: Soffio di vento
Ernesto Tortorella: Meteore danzanti
bongos, piatti, grancassa e marimba
Carlo Mazzini: Visione notturna
flauto in sol
Claudio Gabriele: Trittico Pasoliniano: 1- Per essere poeti. 2- Alla mia Nazione. 3- Raptus di Ferragosto
Voce, ottavino, flauto, fi. in sol, fi. basso, clarinetto e quattro percussionisti
11 June 2016 -
19:00 -
Infrequent Seams Spring Festival – NEW YORK CITY
New York, USA Seth Parker Woods, cello: Works by Claudio Gabriele (PNOM), Louis Andriessen, Jürg Frey, Klaus Lang, Matthias Pintscher.
New York’s Infrequent Seams record label presents three nights of experimental music in Williamsburg, Brooklyn at the Firehouse Space. The Firehouse Space is a unique event and performance space located in Williamsburg close to the Graham Ave L Stop. The Firehouse strives to present music, art and theatrical performances of both emerging and established artists. It supports experimental and challenging works for adventurous audiences.
The Firehouse Space - 246 Frost St. Brooklyn, NY 11211
10 June 2016 -
16:00 -
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento ENSEMBLE FLESSIBILITÀ' LINEARI - Direzione Claudio Gabriele
Esercitazione Accademica dei Corsi di Composizione del M° Claudio Gabriele
Valentino Santarcangelo: FLAUT
flauto solo
Alessio Politano: FRAMMENTO 1
flauto e clarinetto
flauto, oboe, clarinetto
Armando Mandato: IN DER NACHT
violino e pianoforte
Gianni Battista lannucci: MINIATURA
flauto solo
fagotto solo
Ernesto Tortorella: DRIP DROP
oboe e clarinetto in La
Marco Salzano: HELDENSTUCK
FI. Ob. CI. Fg. Vib. Vl.l VI.2 Ve.
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento - Sala Bonazzi
13 May 2016 -
16:30 -
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento Direzione Claudio Gabriele
Autori: Armando Mandato; Carlo Mazzini; Marco Salzano; Ernesto Tortorella; Claudio Gabriele
Interpreti: Guido Garofano, Giovanni Bruno (flauto, ottavino, flauto in sol); Luca Di Manso (Oboe); Gianni Battista lannucci (Clarinetto, Clarinetto Basso); Elisa Vito (Fagotto); Salvatore Turnaturi (sax tenore); Raffaele Barbato, Mattia Farese (Percussioni); Saverio Filomeno Coletta (Fisarmonica, Theremin); Giuseppe Granatello (Pianoforte); Giuseppina Papaccio (Arpa); Emanuele Procaccini (Violino); Annamaria Capasso (Violoncello); Pietro Mascellino (Organo); Carmine larrobino (basso elettrico), Lorenzo De Michele, Raffaele Barbato, Elisa Vito (Voci); Antonio Meola, Gianmarco Falivena, Valeria Papa, Gabriele Lucarelli, Rodolfo Basile (Chitarre).
Tecnico Audio-video: Salvatore Turnaturi
Assistente alla regia: Carlo Mazzini
Direttore: Claudio Gabriele
Full Ensemble: Libertà
Claudio Gabriele: Nuit à Paris
(Flauto; Oboe; Clarinetto)
Ensemble: Ho mal di testa e di Universo
(Voce e Arpe...)
Marco Salzano: Heldenstück
Carlo Mazzini: Flux
(CI. Basso; Marimba; Piano)
Full Ensemble: Sabbie mobili
Ensemble: Per viaggiare basta esistere
(Arpa; Chitarra; Violoncello; Piano; Voce)
Armando Mandato: In der Nacht
(Violino e Piano)
Ernesto Tortorella: Pièce Héroique
Full Ensemble: Alicante
Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" - Benevento - Sala Bonazzi
11 May 2016 -
19:00 -
Beethoven Violin Sonatas in Wien
Türkenstraße 19 - 1090 Wien - Österreich /Austria YULIYA LEBEDENKO, Violin – MARIO ERITREO, Piano
Ludwig van Beethoven: Violin Sonatas n. 5, 6, 7
Claudio Gabriele: "Miniaturnach Beethoven"
for violin and piano (world premier)
10 May 2016 -
19:30 -
Peterskirche - Vienna Organist: CLAUDIO GABRIELE
Jacopo Fogliano (1468-1548): Ricercare
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643): Toccata Prima (Libro I)
Girolamo Frescobaldi (1583-1643): Toccata Ottava di durezze e ligature (Libro II)
02 March 2016 -
12:30 -
Mixed Media: The Overlapping Sound Worlds of Live Performance and Digitization
Wayne State University, Detroit, USA Matthew Younglove, Saxophone
As a society, we hold our musical traditions firmly in our grasp and often neglect to view it as a field that has pro-gressed tremendously throughout the various ages of technological development.
The industrial revolution gave us the means to bend wood and forge metal strong enough to support the tension needs of a piano; in addition, new methods of metal production created the opportunity for the creation of better brass instruments and the brass-woodwind hybrid, the saxophone. As a result, the saxophone has always been comfortable living in the world of the new and technologically present. Perhaps no revolution was as great for music as the transition from analog to digital.
We live (and listen) in an analog world, but it is the digital world where new possibilities abound. This Brown Bag Lecture will trace advancements of music technology, starting with fixed media and live music interaction, inter-active loops, and culminating in the present with interactive technologies that allow for multidimensional interaction of the digital and analog sound worlds.
This lecture will include musical performances of excerpts by Steve Reich, Claudio Gabriele, and a sneak peak of a new collaborative creation envisioned by WSU’s faculty composer, Dr. Jon Anderson and performed by WSU’s saxophone professor, Matthew Younglove.
656 W. Kirby - 2226 Faculty Administration Building - Detroit, MI 48202
19 December 2015 -
12:00 -
Rassegna concertistica “Note di Natale” 2015 - FLESSIBILITA’ LINEARI
SALA BONAZZI - Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Nicola Sala” - Benevento Flessibilita' Lineari - Laboratorio di Composizione e Improvvisazione - Direttore Claudio Gabriele
Autori e Interpreti: Giovanni Bruno (flauto), Luca Di Manso (oboe), Emanuele Procaccini (violino), Annamaria Capasso(violoncello), Gianni Battista Iannucci (clarinetto, clarinetto. Basso), Elisa Vito (fagotto), Saverio Coletta (onde Theremin), Giuseppina Papaccio (arpa), Lorenzo De Michele (pianoforte), Antonio Roccia (pianoforte), Giuseppe Granatello (pianoforte), Gabriele Lucarelli (chitarra), Rodolfo Basile (chitarra), Valeria Papa (chitarra), Antonio Meola (chitarra), Armando Mandato, Ernesto Tortorella, Marco Salzano (compositori), Franco Mauriello e Michelangelo Pepe (computer e video-proiezioni), Carlo Mazzini (assistente alla regia), Claudio Gabriele (direttore).
ENSEMBLE: La realtà filtrata
Marco Salzano: Souvenir
Emanuele Procaccini, violino
Carlo Mazzini: Weinacths Variationen
Luca di Manso, oboe
Claudio Gabriele: Rosalyn
Saverio Coletta, onde Theremin
Ernesto Tortorella: Drip Drop
L. di Manso, oboe; G.B. Iannucci, clarinetto
Armando Mandato: Serenata
E. Procaccini, violino; A. Mandato, pianoforte
Claudio Gabriele: L’âge de la lune
Giusy Papaccio, arpa
ENSEMBLE: Punto Linea Superficie
Antonio Roccia: Hommage à Debussy
Antonio Roccia, pianoforte
Frederic Chopin (1810 – 1849): Notturno Op. 9 Nr. 2 (Bearbeitung P. de Sarasate)
Petr Iljitsch Tschaikowski (1840 – 1893): "Meditation" Op. 42 Nr. 1
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Scherzetto
Alexander Belchinger (1956): Silbermond
Sergey Fadeev: Ave Maria
Afanasij Botjanowski: Morgen
Alexander Aljabjew (1787 - 1851): die Nachtigal
Fritz Kreisler (1875 – 1962): Liebesfreud
Henryk Wieniawski (1835 – 1880): "Theme original varie" op.15
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
20 November 2015 -
15:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 - 1750): Fantasie und Fuge in g-Moll, BWV 542
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Elegia (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 - 1750): Toccata und Fuge in F-Dur, BWV 540
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
16 November 2015 -
19:30 -
Boston University Saxophone Ensemble
Longy School of Music of Bard College - N-1. Rey Building – Boston – U.S.A. Boston University Saxophone Ensemble Kenneth Radnofsky, Director Andrew R. Steinberg, guest conductor (Elgar) Dennis Shafer, guest conductor (Gabriele)
Coefficient de Viscosité Angélique was composed by Claudio Gabriele in 2005 for the saxophone ensemble of Jean-Pierre Caens, saxophone professor at the Conservatory of Aix en Provence. It was inspired by this description of Dante’s Inferno by Salvador Dali:"L’enfer de Dante est éclairé par le soleil et le miel de la Méditerranée, et c’est pour cela que les terreurs de mes illustrations sont analytiques et supergélatineuses avec leur coefficient de viscosité angélique."
The piece holds the same tempo throughout, but takes the listener through a journey of colors that can be produced by an ensemble of saxophones, from quarter tone trills to flutter-tongueing and slap-tongueing. It is done in a programmatic and illustrative way, describing the delights and horrors of Dante’s Hell through the eyes of Salvadore Dali.
Claudio Gabriele’s saxophone quartet Shift-Shaf was premiered at Longy in 2009 by the ChagallPAC Saxophone Quartet. He has given lectures at Longy and Boston Conservatory, and his chamber scores are available in the Longy library for various instrumentations.
Dennis Shafer
Lucie Robert-Diessel (1936): Doppelchor (1993)
I. Prelude, II.Recitative, III.Postlude
Ken Thomson (1976): Rut (2009)
Edward Elgar (1857-1934): Serenade for String Orchestra, op. 20 (1892)
I. Allegro piacevole, II.Larghetto, III.Allegretto
Duke Ellington (1899-1974): Prelude to a Kiss (1938)
John Wallace (1960): Summer Mosaics (2004)
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Coefficient de viscosité angélique (2005)
06 November 2015 -
15:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Fantasie und Fuge in g-Moll, BWV 542
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Elegia (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge in F-Dur, BWV 540
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
05 November 2015 -
19:00 -
Maurice Ravel: "Introduzione e Allegro" per arpa, fl. Cl, quartetto d’archi
Pietro Picchi: "Le Maschere" (dall’omonimo dipinto di Ensor) - per voce recitante, soprano, arpa, fl. Cl, sestetto d’archi
Claudio Gabriele: "L’onda" (dall’omonimo dipinto di Gustave Courbet) - per voce recitante, arpa, flauto, clarinetto, sestetto d’archi
Silvia Colasanti: "Concetto spaziale - Attesa" (dagli omonimi dipinti di Lucio Fontana) - per voce recitante, arpa, quartetto d’archi
Gianluca Podio: "Il silenzio del mare d’inverno" (dal dipinto di Hopper "Le undici del mattino") - per voce recitante, soprano, arpa, fl. Cl, sestetto d’archi
photo by Manuela Morgia
01 November 2015 -
20:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in f-Moll, BWV 534
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge in E-Dur, BWV 566
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in D-Dur, BWV 532
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Elegia (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in a-Moll, BWV 543
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
30 October 2015 -
15:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in f-Moll, BWV 534
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge in E-Dur, BWV 566
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Elegia (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in a-Moll, BWV 543
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
23 October 2015 -
15:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in G-Dur, BWV 541
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Fantasie und Fuge in g-Moll, BWV 542
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Elegia (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge in d-Moll Dorisch, BWV 538
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
11 October 2015 -
20:00 -
Mario Eritreo Organ Recital
Peterskirche - Vienna Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in f-Moll, BWV 534
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in G-Dur, BWV 541
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Praeludium und Fuge in a-Moll, BWV 543
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2015)
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): und Fuge in d-Moll "Dorisch", BWV 538
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge in F-Dur, BWV 540
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Toccata (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge in d-Moll "Dorisch", BWV 538
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
20 September 2015 -
20:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Passacaglia und Fuge in c-Moll, BWV 582
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata, Adagio und Fuge in C-Dur, BWV 564
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
19 September 2015 -
20:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Passacaglia und Fuge in c-Moll, BWV 582
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata, Adagio und Fuge in C-Dur, BWV 564
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
28 August 2015 -
15:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Sonate VI d-Moll, op.65 n.6
I.Choral: Andante sostenuto - Allegro molto, II.Fuga: Sostenuto e legato, III. Finale: Andante
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
27 August 2015 -
15:00 -
Rektoratskirche St. Peter, Wien Organist: MARIO ERITREO
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Präludium und Fuge in e-Moll, BWV 548
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Toccata (2015)
J.S.Bach (1685 – 1750): Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
10 August 2015 -
20:00 -
Saxophone Recital - Chennai, INDIA
Chennai Music Conservatory, INDIA
Saxophone Recital by PHIL PIERICK, performing Claudio Gabriele “L’animation del l’âme” for solo saxophone.
19, Vinayagapuram 2nd Street, MMDA Colony, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600106, India
09 August 2015 -
16:30 -
NGMA National Gallery of Modern Art - Bangalore, INDIA
National Gallery of Modern Art Bengaluru NGMA National Gallery of Modern Art Bengaluru presents "An Evening of Music" on Sunday, 9th August 2015 at 4.30 pm at its premises.
The event includes screening of a Tamil film 'Koyil Nagaswaram' by Ms.Soudhamini Venkatanarayan with English subtitles followed by live Saxophone Recital by classical saxophonist Mr. Phil Pierick, performing Claudio Gabriele “L’animation de l’âme”.
13 July 2015 -
16:30 -
17th World Saxophone Congress and Festival – Strasbourg / France LECTURE by Claudio Gabriele
Illustration of some of the major compositions for saxophone from the large catalog of works by Claudio Gabriele. The soloist Matt Younglove and Assembly Quartet will play live during the conference.
The program of the Lecture is as follow:
1) Illustration of some of the major compositions for saxophone from the large catalog of works by Claudio Gabriele.
2) Analysis of compositional structures (saxophone quartet, ensembles of 12 saxophones).
3) Record of collaborations with renowned soloists for the development of new instrumental techniques (JM Goury, Ken Radnofsky, Claude Delangle, Jeff Vickers, Dennis Shafer, Matt Younglove, Henrique Portovedo).
4) Comparison of Claudio Gabriele’s works with those of his colleagues: Christian Lauba, Robert Lemay, Philippe Geiss.
5) Listening of some audio excerpts from numerous CD published in recent years.
6) The soloist Matt Youngloveand the Assembly Quartet will play live some musical examples extracted from “Manhattan” and “Brooklyn” for sax and electronics, “Shift Shaf” for Sax Quartet.
Strasbourg / France - Cité de la musique et de la danse - Salle 19
T.Albinoni (1671 - 1750): Konzert für Trompete und Orgel in C Dur
Grave - Allegro -Adagio - Allegro
Jeremiah Clarke (1674 - 1707): Trumpet Voluntary
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
13 June 2015 -
18:00 -
Festival Contrasti 2015
Sala Conferenze della Fondazione Caritro Slap duo: Emanuele Dalmaso, sassofoni - Federico Agnello, percussioni
Claudio Gabriele - Le dèsir qui croit désirer (2001) sax alto e percussioni (vibrafono, piatti sospesi e gong)
Trento, via Calepina 1
08 June 2015 -
19:30 -
Peterskirche, Wien Mario Eritreo: ORGEL, Mitsuo Hashimoto: TROMPETE
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2015)
A.Vivaldi (1678-1741): Konzert in Es Dur für Trompete und Orgel
Allegro - Sarabande - Presto
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Präludium und Fuge h-moll, BWV 544
T.Albinoni (1671 - 1750): Konzert in Es Dur für Trompete und Orgel
Grave - Allegro - Andante - Allegro
Jeremiah Clarke (1674 - 1707): Trumpet Voluntary
Gratis, donazione per i musici. Gratis, donations are for the musicians. Gratis, pedimos donativos para los musicos. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler. Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens.
01 June 2015 -
19:00 -
Gesellschaft für Musiktheater
Türkenstraße 19 - 1090 Wien Yuliya Lebedenko, violin – Mario Eritreo, piano
Works by Gabriel Fauré, César Franck, Claudio Gabriele (Scherzetto) and Robert Schumann.
Peterskirche, Wien Mario Eritreo: ORGEL, Mitsuo Hashimoto: TROMPETE
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Einrichtung von Horst Wetzler
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Wachet auf, ruftuns die Stimme
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Zion hört die Wächtersingen
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Toccata (2015)
Tomaso Albinoni (1671- 1750): Konzert für Trompete und Orgel in g Moll
Grave - Allegro - Adagio - Allegro
Peterskirche, Petersplatz 6, - 1010 Wien, Austria
25 May 2015 -
19:00 -
Gesellschaft für Musiktheater
Türkenstraße 19 - 1090 Wien Luisa Sello, flute – Mario Eritreo, piano
Works by Chopin, Beethoven, Bizet, Borne, Chaminade, Gabriele (Spirit of Night), Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, Saint-Saëns, Schubert.
Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Toccata, Adagio und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 564
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Sonate VI d-Moll, op.65 n.6
I.Choral: Andante sostenuto - Allegro molto, II.Fuga: Sostenuto e legato, III. Finale: Andante
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Elegie für Orgel
Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Peterskirche Mario Eritreo: Orgel - Yuliya Lebedenko: Violine, Gesang
Im Program Werke von Claudio Gabriele, Alexander Blechinger, Petr Tschaikovski, Sergei Fadeev
Alexander Blechinger (1956): „Elegie“ aus Stimmungen für Violine Solo Op.94
Claudio Gabriele (1963): „Elegie für solo Orgel“
Petr Iljitsch Tschaikowsky(1840 - 1893): „Barcarolle“ Op.37 Nr.6 aus Jahreszeiten
Robert Schumann (1810 - 1856): „Träumerei“
Franz Schubert (1797 - 1828): „Ständchen“
Jules Massenet (1842 - 1912): „Elegie“
Felix Mendelssohn (1809 - 1847): Auf den Flügeln des Liedes
Georg-Friedrich Händel (1685 - 1759): „Sarabande“
Aleksander Griboedov (1795 - 1829): „Waltz“
Petr Iljitsch Tschajkowsky ( 1840 - 1893): „Italienisches Lied“
23-24 April 2015 -
19:30 -
Mario Eritreo, Orgel - Yuliya Lebedenko, Violine
V.Bobkov: Engel
Dmitriy Yavtuhovich (1962): Adagio spirituoso
Frederic Chopin (1810 - 1849): "Nocturne" in cis-Moll
Camille Saint-Saens (1835 - 1921): Der Schwan
Sergey Fadeev: Wiegenlied
Giulio Caccini (1551-1618): Ave Maria
Vincenzo Bellini (1801 - 1835): "Vaga luna"
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Scherzetto (2015)
Jules Massenet (1842 - 1912): Meditation aus der Oper "Thais"
Gratis, donativi per il musici / Gratis, donations are for the musicians / Gratis, pedimos donativos para los músicos / Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Künstler / Gratuit, nous vous prions de faire don pour les musiciens
23 April 2015 -
15:00 -
SALA BONAZZI - Conservatorio Statale di Musica “Nicola Sala” - Benevento Spettacolo Multimediale e Teatro Musicale - Un concerto di FLESSIBILITA' LINEARI Brani musicali acustici e acusmatici, video, testi, azioni sceniche di Franco Mauriello
Tesi in "Laboratorio di Improvvisazione e Composizione ", docente Claudio Gabriele
Dina Caliro (violino), Salvatore Turnaturi (sassofono), Laura Luciani (voce),
Carlo Mazzini (voce), Dario Mennella (percussioni), Alfonso D'Agostino (chitarra e loop machine),
Saverio Coletta (theremin), Michelangelo Pepe (elettronica e pianoforte),
Franco Mauriello (clarinetto, elettronica, regia audiovideo, direzione)
30 March 2015 -
20:00 -
Mallorca Saxophone Festival - SPAIN
Auditori del Conservatori Superior de Musica de les Illes Balears Phil Pierick Saxophone Recital
Featuring Claudio Gabriele “L’animation de l’âme”, solo saxophone
20 March 2015 -
17:00 -
Auditorium Conservatorio S. Pietro a Maiella AhirangPercussion Ensemble
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Place Igor Stravinsky (2012) Percussion Trio Performers: Gennaro Damiano, Christian Di Meola, Sandro Verlingieri
Glockenspiel, Vibraphone, Marimba, 2 Tam-Tams, 6 Cymbals, Ride-SizzleCymbal, Wind Chimes, Triangle, 6 Drums, SnareDrum, BassDrum
17 March 2015 -
17:00 -
Sala Bonazzi, Conservatorio “Nicola Sala”, Benevento. Ahirang Percussion Ensemble
Claudio Gabriele: Place Igor Stravinsky (2012) Percussion Trio: Performers: Gennaro Damiano, Christian Di Meola, Sandro Verlingieri
Percussion: Glockenspiel, Vibraphone, Marimba, 2 Tam-Tams, 6 Cymbals, Ride-Sizzle Cymbal, Wind Chimes, Triangle, 6 Drums, Snare Drum, Bass Drum
14 March 2015 -
20:00 -
J.P.Sweelinck (1561 - 1621): Fantasia Crommatica à 4 SwWV 258
Louis-Nicolas Clérambault (1676 - 1749): Suite du Premier Ton
1. Grand Plein Jeu - 2. Fugue - 3. Duo - 4. Trio - 5. Basse et Dessus de Trompette - 6. Récits de Cromorne et de Cornet séparé, en Dialogue - 7. Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux
Louis-Nicolas Clérambault (1676 - 1749): Suite du Premier Ton
1. Grand Plein Jeu - 2. Fugue - 3. Duo - 4. Trio - 5. Basse et Dessus de Trompette - 6. Récits de Cromorne et de Cornet séparé, en Dialogue - 7. Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux
Tommaso Albinoni (1671 - 1751): Konzert in C Dur für Trompete und Orgel
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2014)
Tommaso Albinoni (1671 - 1751): Konzert in G Moll für Trompete und Orgel
F. Mendelsshon Bartoldy (1809-1847): Sonata Nr. 6 in D Moll
1 Chorale: Andante sostenuto, Allegro molto - 2 Fuga: Sostenuto e legato 3 - Finale: Andante
Louis-Nicolas Clérambault: Suite du Premier Ton:
1. Grand Plein Jeu - 2. Fugue - 3. Duo - 4. Trio - 5. Basse et Dessus de Trompette; 6. Récits de Cromorne et de Cornet séparé, en Dialogue - 7. Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge h-Moll, BWV 544
Claudio Gabriele: Canto (2014)
Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Louis-Nicolas Clérambault: Suite du Premier Ton:
1. Grand Plein Jeu - 2. Fugue - 3. Duo - 4. Trio - 5. Basse et Dessus de Trompette; 6. Récits de Cromorne et de Cornet séparé, en Dialogue - 7. Dialogue sur les Grands Jeux
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge h-Moll, BWV 544
Claudio Gabriele: Canto (2014)
Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
23 January 2015 -
20:00 -
Dennis Shafer and Friends: The Multimedia Saxophone - NEW YORK CITY
New York, USA Works by Heitor Villa-Lobos, Claudio Gabriele (Arriflex 35), Luciano Berio, David Krebs and Dennis Shafer.
Instrumentalists include: Dennis Shafer: Saxophone/Soundpainter, Teerapat Parnmongkol: Electronics, Vasudevan Panicker: Piano, Yeonathan Shachar: Guitar, Jehiah Bray: Saxophone, Samuel Day Harmet: Mandolin, Andy O’Neil: Drums, Libby Froeber: Actor, Konrad Chan: Harmonica, Jason Felitto: Bass
The Firehouse Space - 246 Frost St. Brooklyn, NY 11211
19 December 2014 -
19:30 -
Benevento - Palazzo Paolo V Spettacolo Multimediale diretto dal M° Claudio Gabriele, in collaborazione con l'artista visuale Lucio Perone.
Claudio Gabriele (piano, voce, direzione), Carlo Mazzini (autore). Désirée Ambrosino (flauto), Salvatore Turnaturi (sassofono), Giusy Papaccio (arpa), Gianmarco Falivena (chitarra), Alfonso D'Agostino (chitarra), Antonio Roccia (piano), Alessandro De Luca (chitarra), Nunzio Parente (chitarra), Laura Luciani (voce), Alessandro Ronca (chitarra, piano), Emidio Petringa (percussioni, video), Dario Mennella (percussioni), Michelangelo Pepe (elettronica e video), Franco Mauriello (elettronica e video). Artista visuale: Lucio Perone (scultore).
13 December 2014 -
20:00 -
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Einige kanonische Veränderungen über das Weihnachtslied „Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her“, BWV 769
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2014)
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Präludium und Fuge in C-Dur, BWV 547
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Präludium und Fuge in e-Moll, BWV 548
08 December 2014 -
15:00 -
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Einige kanonische Veränderungen über das Weihnachtslied „Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her“, BWV 769
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2014)
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Präludium und Fuge in C-Dur, BWV 547
04-05 December 2014 -
15:00 -
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Nun komm der Heiden Heiland, BWV 599
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Vom Himmel hoch, da komm ich her BWV 769
Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2014)
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme, BWV 645
J.S. Bach (1685 - 1750): Präludium und Fuge in C-Dur, BWV 547
Gratis, donativi per le restaurazione dell´organo. Gratis, donations are for the restoration of the organ. Gratis, nous vous prions de faire don pour la restauration de l´orgue. Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung.
07 November 2014 -
20:00 -
Horace Mann Auditorium.
Traditional, arr. Goran Daskalov: Macedonian Dance (2011)
Jon Amon, saxophone
Marie-Hélène Fournier: Muses (1990)
Jon Amon, saxophone
Luciano Berio, ed. Claude Delangle: Sequenza VIIb (1969/1993)
Dennis Shafer, Saxophone
Claudio Gabriele: Arriflex 35 (2010) for Saxophone & Electronics
Dennis Shafer, Saxophone
Maurice Ravel: Sonatine (1903-1905)
Amy McGothlin, saxophone -
Beverly Soll, piano
Ryo Noda: Mai (1975)
Amy McGothlin, saxophone
Georg Philipp Telemann: Sonata IV (1738)
Jon Amon, saxophone -
Amy McGothlin, saxophone
Wei Dai: If I’m Lost--Now (2013)
Jon Amon, alto saxophone - Dennis Shafer, baritone saxophone - Kimberly Ayers, voice
Bridgewater State University – U.S.A
02 November 2014 -
20:00 -
1- Johann Caspar Kerll (1627 - 1693): Toccata I d-Moll
2- Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Präludium und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 547
3- Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2014) World Premier
4- Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809 - 1847): Sonate VI d-Moll op. 65/6
5- Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Donations are for the restoration of the organ. Wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung. Pedimos donativos para la restauración del organo. Nous vous prions de faire don pour la restauration de l’orgue. Offerte per il restauro dell’organo.
01 November 2014 -
20:00 -
1- Johann Caspar Kerll (1627 - 1693): Toccata I d-Moll
2- Johann Sebastian Bach (1685 - 1750): Präludium und Fuge C-Dur, BWV 547
3- Claudio Gabriele (1963): Canto (2014) World Premiere
4- Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy (1809 - 1847): Sonate VI d-Moll op. 65/6
5- Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Donations are for the restoration of the organ. Wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung. Pedimos donativos para la restauración del organo. Nous vous prions de faire don pour la restauration de l’orgue. Offerte per il restauro dell’organo.
22 October 2014 -
14:00 -
Conservatorio di Musica “Nicola Sala”, Benevento
Il Prof. Claudio Gabriele parlerà della vita e delle opere del grande compositore francese del ‘900. Saranno illustrate composizioni organistiche, pianistiche, cameristiche e sinfoniche, mettendo in rilievo le particolari caratteristiche del personale “linguaggio musicale” di Olivier Messiaen, scaturito dall’elaborazione e dalla sintesi d’influssi provenienti da diverse culture europee, extraeuropee, del presente e del passato. Proiezione di slide e filmati, ascolti, analisi, dibattito, bibliografia. Aperto a tutti gli studenti del Conservatorio. Assistente all'informatica: Carlo Mazzini.
30 August 2014 -
20:00 -
Peterskirche Organ: MARIO ERITREO
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge c-Moll, BWV 549
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia (1996)
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge in e-Moll, BWV 548
Claudio Gabriele: La giornata del musicista
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge in h-Moll, BWV 544
Petersplatz, 1010 Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria, tel. +43 1 5336433
Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung
28 August 2014 -
15:00 -
Peterskirche Organ: MARIO ERITREO
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge c-Moll, BWV 549
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge in h-Moll, BWV 544
Petersplatz, 1010 Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria, tel. +43 1 5336433
Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung
27 August 2014 -
15:00 -
Peterskirche Organ: MARIO ERITREO
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge in e-Moll, BWV 548
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia
Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata und Fuge in d-Moll BWV 565
Petersplatz, 1010 Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria, tel. +43 1 5336433
Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung
09 July 2014 -
19:30 -
Œuvres de Claudio Gabriele interprétés par l´ "Ensemble Cassiopée". Visions, évocations, rayons jaillissants, couleurs, nuances, polychromies. L´Ensemble Cassiopée, présente des œuvres de musique de Claudio Gabriele, centrées sur l'utilisation créative du magnifique espace architectural de l'Hôtel de Gallifet, avec une touche de drame et de surprise pour le public. Panneaux avec partitions graphiques seront exposés dans le jardin, comme un plat d'accompagnement à un spectacle de musique qui veut transmettre l´essence émotionnelle et primordiale de la matière sonore. La direction de Claudio Gabriele alterne des situations d'humour pur à des atmosphères de rêve et de méditation, presque une évocation de mondes parallèles, mais toujours avec un sentiment de profonde réflexion sur la vie d'aujourd'hui. Ce concert est en collaboration avec le Duo de Saxophones "SAX SAX PLUS" de Jean-Pierre Caens et Sylvain Guignery. Les autres musiciens de l'"Ensemble Cassiopée" sont : Lila Hajosi, Rosanne Laut, Laure Florentin, Claudio Gabriele.
Hôtel de Gallifet, 52 Rue Cardinale, 13100 Aix-en-Provence - FRANCE
05 July 2014 -
15:00 -
Peterskirche Organ: MARIO ERITREO
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge h-Moll, BWV 544
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Sonate VI d-Moll, op.65 n.6
I.Choral: Andante sostenuto - Allegro molto, II.Fuga: Sostenuto e legato, III. Finale: Andante
Claudio Gabriele: La giornata del musicista
Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Petersplatz, 1010 Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria, tel. +43 1 5336433
Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung
03 July 2014 -
15:00 -
Peterskirche Organ: MARIO ERITREO
Alessandro Scarlatti: Toccata II in A
Allegro - Presto - Partita alla Lombarda - Fuga
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge h-Moll, BWV 544
Petersplatz, 1010 Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria, tel. +43 1 5336433
Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung
02 July 2014 -
20:00 -
Peterskirche Organ: MARIO ERITREO
Alessandro Scarlatti: Toccata II in A
Allegro - Presto - Partita alla Lombarda - Fuga
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge h-Moll, BWV 544
Petersplatz, 1010 Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria, tel. +43 1 5336433
Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung
28 June 2014 -
20:00 -
Peterskirche Organ: MARIO ERITREO
Johann Sebastian Bach: Präludium und Fuge c-Moll, BWV 549
Claudio Gabriele: Passacaglia
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Sonate VI d-Moll, op.65 n.6
I.Choral: Andante sostenuto - Allegro molto, II.Fuga: Sostenuto e legato, III. Finale: Andante
Claudio Gabriele: La giornata del musicista
Johann Sebastian Bach: Toccata und Fuge d-Moll, BWV 565
Petersplatz, 1010 Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria, tel. +43 1 5336433
Gratis, wir bitten um Spenden für die Orgelrestaurierung
20 June 2014 -
16:00 -
Ensemble Flessibilità Lineari - Spettacolo di Teatro Musicale Direzione: Claudio Gabriele
Venerdì 20 giugno 2014, ore 16
Sabato 21 giugno 2014, ore 17.30
07 June 2014 -
19:30 -
Music by : Debussy, Satie, Cage, Stockhausen, Pärt, Gabriele.
Violin: Yuliya Lebedenko
Violoncello: Constantin Schöner
Piano: Mario Eritreo
Conductor: Claudio Gabriele
Petersplatz 1, Seiteneingang, 1010 Wien-Innere Stadt, Austria, tel. +43 1 5336433
06 June 2014 -
13:30 -
Experimental Theater , New York Claudio Gabriele: “Parole Impressioni Suoni Riflessi” electroacoustic music for 17 Channels
6 June 2014, 1:30 pm and 10:30 pm
Spatialisation Auditorium
Tickets: $15 / $10 students and seniors
Sala Bonazzi, Conservatorio Nicola Sala di Benevento Ensemble: "Flessibilità Lineari”, Direttore: Claudio Gabriele
Biennale Internazionale d'Arte di Benevento "BeneBiennale", 18-27 Aprile, Concerto di chiusura
“Il circolo degli inquieti” Spettacolo di Teatro Musicale
22 April 2014 -
20:00 -
Frederick Loewe Theatre Music by: Claudio Gabriele, Izzi Ramkissoon, Robert Rowe, Asha Srinivasan.
Dr. Esther Lamneck, Artistic Director
Please join us in an exciting concert of electro acoustic music by the New Music Ensemble and New York University Faculty
Piccolo: Alexandra Engen - Flute: Patrica Cardona, Heather Pulkowski, Juya Tsai, Szu-ying Wang – Saxophone: Mengmeng Sun – Violin: Brooks Berg – Guitar: Amanda Barrafato – Electronics: Devin Visslailli
New York University - The Steinhardt School of Culture, Education and Human Development
Dept Mus. & Perf. Arts Prof. - 35 West 4th St. - NY, NY 10012
20-23 March 2014 -
University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
Matt Younglove featuring the World Premiere of Claudio Gabriele’s BROOKLYN for Alto Saxophone & Electroacoustic Sounds
15 March 2014 -
18:15 -
Journée de la Voix, Conservatoire Darius Milhaud, Aix-en-Provence
Perfromance of numerous compositions for voice by Claudio Gabriele: "Avec joie", "Vapore", "Uno e nessuno", "La leçon de musique", "Coffee Break", "Solfeggione". Also music by John Cage and Luciano Berio. Art Director: Laure Florentin.
14 March 2014 -
18:00 -
OPEN DAY Ecole Supérieure d'Art, Aix-en Provence
Workshop and performance of several works for voice by Claudio Gabriele: "Coffee Break", Solfeggione", "Uno e nessuno", La leçon de musique", "Vapore", "Avec joie". Also music by John Cage. Art Director: Laure Florentin
10 March 2014 -
19:00 -
Jean Michel Goury & Friends
Fondation de Etats-Unis - Paris Jean Michel Goury & Friends
Œuvre pour et par saxophone, coordonné par Jean-Michel Goury, professeur au Conservatoire de Boulogne-Billancourt, avec son ensemble de saxophone. Avec la participation des étudiants américains du Conservatoire de Boulogne-Billancourt, artistes résidents à la Fondation des Etats-Unis : Don-Paul Kahl, Jacob Kopcienski, Noa Mick
19h: Première diffusion : « Les accords secrets du capitaine Nemo », réalisation Nelson Castro
« La nuit originelle » de Claudio Gabriele (pour 3 sax alto)
« Manhattan Rhapsody » de Denis Levaillant (sax ténor et piano)
« Nanook » trio de Thierry Pecou (2 saxs et piano)
« Le Fakir » de Denis Levaillant (sax soprano et piano)
« Calderosax » de Philippe Geiss (sax sopranino et ensemble de 12 saxophones)
20H15: Diffusion du film du ballet « La petite danseuse de Degas » (début du 2ème acte) de Denis Levaillant. Orchestre de l’Opéra national de Paris sous la direction de Koen Kessels. Soliste (sax ténor): JM Goury.
« The Joyfull Night » de Denis Levaillant -Poèmes de René Char et Paul Eluard (flûte en sol, sax ténor, célesta, piano)
« Bess, You is My Woman » et « A woman is a sometime thing » de George Gershwin/arr: Y Josset (flute en ut, sax, alto, piano, célesta).
« Les Accords secrets » du capitaine Nemo de Denis Levaillant (ensemble de 12 saxophones).
« Suite American Stories » de George Gershwin/arr:JM Londeix (ensemble de 12 saxophones).
01 March 2014 -
20:00 -
Outpost 186, Boston Cambridge MA
Chagall Performance Art Collaborative Presents
Kenneth Radnofsky and Friends: A Night of Saxophone and Electronics
Come enjoy a fine collection of works for saxophone and electronics by Jeremy Van Buskirk and Michael Horvit, performed by Ken Radnofsky. Jon Amon, Amy McGlothlin, and Dennis Shafer also share their works for saxophone and electronics by composers
Claudio Gabriele (ARRIFLEX 35), Jean-Claude Risset, Jacob TV, David Krebs.
Don’t miss out on this electro-saxorama!
ChagallPAC: Dennis Shafer - saxophone / Jon Amon - saxophone
Special Guests: Ken Radnofsky - saxophone / Amy McGlothlin - saxophone
06 February 2014 -
19:30 -
Wallman Hall Room 229, Fairmont State University - USA Ogni Suono Saxophone Duo performing Claudio Gabriele's DUEL
West Virginia & Pennsylvania Tour 2014
Ogni Suono Saxophone Duo performing Claudio Gabriele's DUEL
The program includes works by Ruby Fulton, Christian Lauba, Alex Mincek, Ian Dicke, Claudio Gabriele & Halim Beere.
February 6: 3pm master class and 7:30pm concert
Fairmont State University, Wallman Hall Room 229 - Fairmont, WV
February 7: 5pm master class and 8:15pm concert
West Virginia University, Antoinette Falbo Theatre - Morgantown, WV
February 8: 3:30pm master class and 5:30pm concert
Pennsylvania State University, Room 128 Music Building 2 - State College, PA
February 9: 2pm concert and 3pm master class
Susquehanna University, Stretansky Concert Hall - Selinsgrove, PA
18 January 2014 -
Kent State University, Ohio - USA
Ogni Suono's program features works by Ian Dicke, Halim Beere, and Claudio Gabriele from Invisible Seams, the Duo's upcoming debut album.
Additional works by Ruby Fulton, Alex Mincek, and Christian Lauba.
Ludwig Recital Hall, Kent, Ohio 44242
17 January 2014 -
20:00 -
CD release Concert -OGNI SUONO Saxophone Duo
Ohio Northern University
Drinks, CDs, & posters for purchase
Come hear some great music and celebrate the release of debut album!
The program features works from the CD by Halim Beere, Ian Dicke, and Claudio Gabriele
Additional works by Ruby Fulton, Alex Mincek, and Christian Lauba
127 N. Main Street in downtown Bowling Green, OH, U.S.A.
16 January 2014 -
Ogni Suono
Ohio Northern University OGNI SUONO Saxophone Duo Concert: Friday 17 January 2014, 8:00pm, Presser Hall
Music by Claudio Gabriele (DUEL), Halim Beere, Ian Dicke, Ruby Fulton, Christian Lauba, & Alex Mincek
Ohio Northern University, Ada, OH, U.S.A.
07 January 2014 -
18:00 -
Aveiro - Portugal
Portugal Premiere of MANHATTAN for Solo Saxophone by CLAUDIO GABRIELE, performed By Henrique Portovedo
Capela do Museu de Santa Joana - Aveiro - Portugal
20 July 2013 -
21:30 -
Michele Selva solo sax in Ravenna
Ravenna Michele Selva - Sassofoni
Giacinto Scelsi: Tre Pezzi (1956)
Per sassofono in sib
Jean-Claude Risset: Saxatile (1992)
Per sassofono soprano e dispositivo elettroacustico
Claudio Gabriele: L’Animation de l’âme (2002)
Per sassofono solo
Sylvano Bussotti: Ballerina gialla e Pettirosso (da “Voliera”) (1986-89)
Per sassofono contralto e elettronica
Karlheinz Stockhausen: Saxophon (1977)
Per sassofono soprano solo
Terry Riley: Dorian Reeds (1964)
Per sassofono e elettronica
A.p.A.I. - Casa dell'Arte - Via Salara 11, 48121 Ravenna
15 July 2013 -
19:30 -
Vanderbilt University Ensemble
Aix-en-Provence - France
Claudio Gabriele: "The Breath of Light Waves" (World Premiere) for flute, clarinet, violin, viola, cello
Vanderbilt University Ensemble, Claudio Gabriele conductor.
Hotel de Gallifet - 52 Rue Cardinale 13100 Aix-en-Provence - France
13 July 2013 -
20:30 -
THE TRANSFORMATIONAL SAXOPHONE - a saxophone recital by Phil Pierick
Selangor, Malaysia. Phil Pierick
Saxophonist Phil Pierick will bring to audiences some saxophone music ranging from classic to modern, performing among others "L'animation de l'âme" by Claudio Gabriele.
Toccata Studio, 19B, SS2/55, 47300 Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.
29 May 2013 -
20:00 -
Organ Recital in Wien
Wien Organist: Claudio Gabriele
Music by Julio Segni, Girolamo Frescobaldi, Domenico Zipoli, CésarFranck, Léon Boêllmann
Peterskirke, Petersplatz 1010, Wien
10 May 2013 -
20:00 -
Brooklyn, NY 11211 NEW THREAD QUARTET (Geoff Landman, Kristen McKeon, Zach Herchen, Erin Rogers)
Works by:
Claudio Gabriele, Halim Beere, James Bunch, Quinn Collins, Ian Dicke, Stephen Taylor, Michael Djupstrom, Kati Agócs, Daniel Wohl, Gilbert Galindo
@ The Firehouse Space - 246 Frost St. http://thefirehousespace.org/
20 April 2013 -
11:00 -
NASA Region 3 Conference 2013
Minot, North Dakota - USA
Matt Younglove performing ARRIFLEX 35 for Tenor Saxophone & Electronics by Claudio Gabriele
NASA Region 3 Conference 2013 of the North American Saxophone Alliance
Aleshire Theatre, Minot State University - Minot, North Dakota - USA
26 March 2013 -
19:30 -
Concordia University Recital Hall
Vistiring Artist Dennis Shafer Soprano Saxophone, performing Claudio Gabriele THE COURTING DUCK (NEUMA 31) and Bach, Britten, Berio, Rossé, Krebs.
Concordia University Recital Hall, Seward, NEBRASKA, USA.
16-17 March 2013 -
Bowling Green State University
Winners were San Air Trio (Julia Kuhlman, Cody Greenwell, Hiroki Kato) playing SORTILEGE by Claudio Gabriele.
Bowling Green State University - Bowling Green, OH
14-15 March 2013 -
J.M. Goury USA Tour 2013, Boston, New York City
Jean Michel Goury, internationally recognized as one of the greatest saxophonists in the world, will play in his American tour "L'animation de l'âme" for Tenor Saxophone by Claudio Gabriele.
NEW YORK CITY: Thursday March 14th at 6:30PM at Talent Under One Roof, 1328 Flatbush Avenue, Brooklyn, NY.
BOSTON: Friday March 15th at 7:30pm, Salem State University, 352 Lafayette St, Salem, Boston MA
13 March 2013 -
20:00 -
J.M. GOURY New York Performance
Brooklyn NY 11238 - USA
NEW YORK - Branded Saloon's exclusive New Music Festival, featuring some of the most avant-guard, out there acts of the city - and that's saying something! This week March 13th 2013 at 8 o'clock: Jean-Michel Goury (solo saxophone) plays works by Claudio Gabriele (L'ANIMATION DE L'AME)
Branded Saloon - 603 Vanderbilt Ave - Brooklyn NY 11238 - USA
06 March 2013 -
20:00 -
New Music Festival NEW YORK - USA
Branded Saloon's exclusive New Music Festival Dennis Shafer (solo saxophone)
This week March 6th 2013 at 8 o'clock: Dennis Shafer (solo saxophone) plays works by Claudio Gabriele (COURTING DUCK) Berio, Krebs, Rossé.
Branded Saloon - 603 Vanderbilt Ave - NY 11238 USA
02 March 2013 -
16:00 -
Bryan Recital All - Bowling Green State University - OH 43403 - USA Matt Younglove
Matt Younglove performing Claudio Gabriele ARRIFLEX 35 for Tenor Saxophone & Electronics.
26 January 2013 -
16:00 -
Devon Marie Munro, Saxophone Recital- Bowling Green, Ohio U.S.A.
Bowling Green Ohio 43403 Devon Marie Munro, Saxophone Recital
Music by: Claudio Gabriele (NEUMA 31),William Albright, J.S. Bach, Lars-Erik Larsson, Evan Williams
20 December 2012 -
19:00 -
Claudio Gabriele: FIGURA 3.19 - Vocal Quartet (World Premiere)
Claudio Gabriele: PLACE IGOR STRAVINSKY - Percussion Trio (World Premiere)
John Cage: Story (from Living Room) - Vocal Quartet
Alessandra Bellino: ...su delti soavi di venere... (2006) per flauto in DO amplificato
Alessandra Bellino: "La voluntad de los metales" (2012) per tre percussionisti (World Premiere)
CAGEM VOCAL QUARTET, Genny Vaccariello, Carmen Pietrafesa, Erika Cusano, Marcella Parziale
AHIRANG PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE, Maestro Gennaro Damiano, Sandro Verlingieri, Domenico Monda;
FLUTE: Vittorio Coviello.
Sala Bonazzi, Conservatorio Statale di Musica - Benevento
26 November 2012 -
20:00 -
Music-Digital Media Seminar
Bowling Green State University - USA INTERACTIONS Electroacoustic Concert
Claudio Gabriele: ARRIFLEX 35 for Tenor Saxophone and Electronics
Matt Younglove, Tenor Saxophone
Bryan Recital Hall - Moore College of Musical Arts - Bowling Green, Ohio 43403 - USA
16 November 2012 -
20:00 -
DiMenna Center - Benzaquen Hall Seth Woods
Seth Woods performing Claudio Gabriele's PNOM for solo Violoncello.
DiMenna Center - Benzaquen Hall - NEW YORK - USA
Tickets: $15 Regular / 10 Students http://www.oslmusic.org/dimenna-center-welcome
11 September 2012 -
18:00 -
BENEVENTO - ITALY Flessibilita' Lineari - Teatro Musicale
Claudio Gabriele Art Director 6 Voices, Flute, Clarinet, Guitar, Harp, Piano; Electronics, Video
24 August 2012 -
20:00 -
Philippe Koerper in Strasbourg
St. Pierre le Jeune - STRASBOURG - FRANCE
L'Imaginaire est un collectif de compositeurs et de musiciens actifs à Strasbourg qui s’est constitué en 2009. Notre but depuis toujours est de donner aux interprètes et aux compositeurs les moyens de réaliser leurs propres rêves musicaux et esthétiques. Défi énorme pour nous, mais aussi pour ceux qui travaillent avec nous. L'Imaginaire impose toujours le maximum d’exigences dans le choix du répertoire et de son interprétation, et dans la sélection, la présentation et la promotion de nouvelles oeuvres, des compositeurs et de leurs projets. L'idée de promouvoir la jeune création en tant que telle ne nous attire pas. Nous proposons aux jeunes compositeurs de présenter leur personnalité complètement et en toute sincérité, sans rhétorique superficielle. Nous demandons la même chose à nos interprètes, à qui revient le défi d’interpréter une part importante d’œuvres en duo ou en solo. Les solistes de L'Imaginaire constituent ainsi un ensemble qui touche aux répertoires d'aujourd'hui, d'hier et de demain. Le groupe travaille en profondeur les œuvres de musique de chambre qui nous avons choisies, en réfléchissant également sur la meilleure façon de mettre en valeur les compositions et les compositeurs, à travers la mise en scène, la vidéo, des entretiens et une présentation écrite du programme aussi complète et instructive que possible.
L'ensemble L'Imaginaire profite du soutien précieux de la DRAC Alsace, la Ville de Strasbourg, la Sacem, le Conseil Général du Bas-Rhin et la MAIF.
Duo Koerper / Murakami: PNEUMA - L'imaginaire, musiques d'idées
Thomas Morley (1557- 1602): Duo V, pour flûte et saxophone
Giacinto Scelsi (1905 – 1988): Ko Lho, pour flûte et saxophone
Andrea Sarto (1979 -): Salmo 138, pour flûte seul * création mondiale
Thomas Morley: Duo VI, pour flûte et saxophone
Santiago Diez-Fischer (1977-): El fondo del agua pour flûte basse et saxophone baryton
Claudio Gabriele: L'animation de l'ame, pour saxophone seul
Franciscus De La Torre (16ème siècle): Danza alta, pour flûte et saxophone
Diana Rotaru (1981-): Meanders pour flûte basse et saxophone alto
Thomas Morley: Fantasie Il Grillo, pour flûte et saxophone
21 July 2012 -
21:00 -
Aix-en-Provence - France
Vanderbilt University Ensemble, Thomas Verrier Conductor Claudio Gabriele: L'Univers du Silence - Théâtre Musical (World Premiere) Two Voices, Electroacoustic, Large Ensembre, Dance, Video-Projection
13 July 2012 -
16:30 -
World Saxophone Congres XVI
ST. ANDREWS - SCOTLAND Quatuor Apollinaire
Claudio Gabriele: La Rose de Hildesheim
For flutes, saxophones, piano, celesta, tibetan bell, crotales, voices, electroacoustic sounds and video projections.
Yves Josset (piano, voice, tibetan bell), Marie-Christine Wlazlik (celesta, voice), Sophie Davard (flutes, voice, crotales), Jean-Michel Goury (saxophones)
The Byre Theatre - S. Andrews - Scotland
30 June 2012 -
20:00 -
Quatuor Apollinaire - Tour 2012
GUERET - FRANCE Quatuor Apollinaire
performing Claudio Gabriele's "La Rose de Hildesheim"
for flutes, saxophones, piano, celesta, tibetan bell, crotales, voices, electroacoustic sounds and video projections.
Yves Josset (piano, voice, tibetan bell), Marie-Christine Wlazlik (celesta, voice), Sophie Davard (flutes, voice, crotales), Jean-Michel Goury (saxophones)
Friday, 30 June 2012, 8 PM - GUERET - FRANCE Thursday, 4 July 2012, 8 PM - Auditorium CRR Boulogne Billancourt - PARIS - FRANCE
30 June 2012 -
20:00 -
"TzlilMeudcan" International Festival 2012
Seth Woods performing Claudio Gabriele*s PNOM for solo Violoncello
"Tzlil Meudcan" International Festival 2012 - TELAVIV - ISRAEL
12 June 2012 -
20:00 -
Grosser Saal Musik Akademie der Stadt
Seth Woods performing Claudio Gabriele*s PNOM for solo Violoncello
Grosser Saal at the Musik Akademie der Stadt - BASEL - SWITZERLAND
29 May 2012 -
20:30 -
Ensemble de Saxophones de Provence
Gardanne, La Halle - France
Dans la famille saxophone, il y a le soprano, l’alto, le ténor, le baryton et la basse.
Il y a 17 ans, Jean-Pierre Caens a décidé de les réunir dans une formation unique en son genre en Provence, l’ensemble de saxophones. Une douzaine de musiciens (dont le professeur de l’école de musique Gérard Salas) se produiront sur la scène de La Halle installée pour un mois. L’ensemble a un répertoire très vaste allant de Jean-Sébastien Bach à John Coltrane, mais il participe à la vie musicale contemporaine : plusieurs compositeurs ont écrit des oeuvres spécialement pour elle parmi lesquelles Nocturne de Pierre-Adrien Charpy, Les copains d’accord d’Andy Hemler ou bien «Coefficient de viscosité angélique» de Claudio Gabriele.
Tarif : 9 €/12 €
19 May 2012 -
16:00 -
Seth Woods - Violoncello
BASEL - SWITZERLAND Seth Woods - Violoncello
Claudio Gabriele World Premiere: PNOM for solo Violoncello
Elisabethenkirche - Elisabethenstrasse 10 - 4051 Basel - Tel +41 61 272 03 43
19 May 2012 -
19:30 -
Northwestern University Saxophone Ensemble
CHICAGO - USA Frederick L. Hemke, Conductor
Claudio Gabriele: Illustration Analytique Supergelatineuse (World Premiere) Also music by: Leonard Bernstein, Maurice Ravel, Claude Debussy, Anatoly Liadov
Pick-Steiger Concert Hall - Evanston Illinois 60208 - CHICAGO - USA
Northwestern University Saxophone Ensemble
07 February 2012 -
Jeffrey E. Vickers' new CD
Le Plus Vite Possible - CD by Jeffrey Vickers
Performing "Bleu Rouge Brun Violet" for solo Saxophone by Claudio Gabriele
29 January 2012 -
15:00 -
Guo Yazhi & Friends
Regent Theatre presents: Guo Yazhi & Friends
Claudio Gabriele World Premieres: NEUMA 31 for solo saxophone
YU for Chinese-American-African Ensemble Yazhi Guo, suona and reeds - Dennis Shafer, director and soprano sax - Gao Hongwei, erhu - Pei Yin, alto sax - Hui Weng, guzheng - George Capernaros, guitar - Jason Felitto, electric bass - Todd Brunel, bass clarinet - Isaac Lit, drums
7 Medford Street, Arlington - Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Tickets: $35/Preferred; $25/Regular; $17.50/students Phone: {781} 646-4849 Fax: {781} 643-4747
9 December 2011 -
20:00 -
Vortex Series for New and Improvised Music
Nave gallery - Clarendon Hill Presbyterian Church
Todd Brunel performs solo clarinet and bass clarinet works works by Pamela Marshall and Claudio Gabriele.
155 Powderhouse Blvd. - Somerville, MA 02144 USA
25 November 2011 -
18:00 -
Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala"
Paul Arma: « Andante » per due sax
Claudio Gabriele: « Barche dell’alba », solo alto sax: S. Guignery
Paul Arma: « Moderato » per due sax
Claudio Gabriele: « Echange des nuages », per due sax
Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala", via Mario La Vipera 1, 82100 - Benevento
25 November 2011 -
16:00 -
CONFERENZA Saxofono ed Elettroacustica nel XX e XXI secolo
Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala" Via Mario La Vipera 1, Benevento
Interverranno: Jean-Pierre Caens, Sylvain Guignery-Gouérec, Claudio Gabriele.
Biblioteca del Conservatorio Statale di Musica "Nicola Sala", via Mario La Vipera 1, 82100 - Benevento
14 November 2011 -
20:00 -
America's Finest Saxophone Ensemble
BOSTON - USA The Boston Conservatory
The Boston Conservatory and Chagall PAC Presents 'America's Finest Saxophone Ensemble'
"Illustration Analytique Supergélatineuse" by Claudio Gabriele (World Premiere)
"Serenade Op. 48 in C Major" by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky arr. G. Bricault
Soundpainting, directed by Dennis Shafer
The Boston Conservatory Saxophone Ensemble Kenneth Radnofsky - Director
with Guest Conductors: Steven Lipsitt - Music Director Boston Classical Orchestra Dennis Shafer, Director ChagallPac, and TBC alumnus
The Boston Conservatory Saxophone Ensemble:
Sopranino: Adam Pelandini (concertmaster) - Soprano: Jake Dockterman, Emily Cox - Alto: GoranDaskalov, Jacob Eisenmann, Karen Cubides, Tina Kambil, SeychelleDunn - Tenor: Alex Rezzo, Mark Weissman, Brandon Valerino, Aaron Blumenthal - Baritone: Vitalijus Lisovskis, Scott Chamberlin - Bass: Clayton Hamilton
Chagall PAC members: Julee Avallone - flute Esther Viola - oboe Paul Jacobs - piano Jason Felitto - bass Ben Dicke - drums
The Boston Conservatory
8 The Fenway, Boston - Hynes Convention Center T-Stop, Green Line
13 November 2011 -
17:00 -
Claudio Gabriele world premiere concert!
Chagall Performance Art Collaborative Presents Claudio Gabriele world premiere concert! Featuring never-before heard works by Italian composer Claudio Gabriele, in the presence of the composer. Come meet the composer and hear his works, from solo bass clarinet to saxophone quartet!
PROGRAM: Arriflex 35 for tenor saxophone and electronics (Boston Premiere) Dennis Shafer - tenor saxophone
Shift Shaf for saxophone quartet Dennis Shafer - soprano saxophone / Jennifer Bill, alto saxophone / Rebecca Wellons, tenor saxophone / Jon Amon, baritone saxophone
Duel for two saxophones Jon Amon and Dennis Shafer - baritone saxophone
NEUMA 8 for solo piano* Jason Felitto, piano
NEUMA 21 for solo violin* Kaleigh Acord - violin
NEUMA 97 for Bass Clarinet* Todd Brunel - bass clarinet
Dans le vent for tenor saxophone and bass clarinet* Dennis Shafer - tenor saxophone / Todd Brunel, bass clarinet
* World Premieres
186 1/2 Hampshire Street in Inman Square, Cambridge - BOSTON - USA
09 November 2011 -
18:00 -
Masterclass with Claudio Gabriele
The Boston Conservatory Chagall Performance Art Collaborative Presents: Masterclass with Claudio Gabriele
Claudio Gabriele presents his works at Boston Conservatory with several live performances, each showing unique features of his compositional style for different wind instruments. He will present scores of his music for chamber music and orchestra.
Lesley O'Donel - Flute
Dennis Shafer - Tenor Saxophone
OGNI SUONO Saxophone Duo USA Tour 2013
“Ogni Suono” Saxophone Duo spring tour program features works by Claudio Gabriele (DUEL), Stephen Andrew Taylor, Halim Beere, James Bunch, Quinn Collins, and Ian Dicke.
The Boston Conservatory, room 402 - 8 The Fenway, Boston - Hynes Convention Center T-Stop, Green Line
08 November 2011 -
10:00 -
Masterclass with Claudio Gabriele and Todd Brunel
Bunker Hill Community College
The Instrumental Performance Class at Bunker Hill has the unique opportunity of meeting with world-renowned Italian composer Claudio Gabriele and fine Boston clarinettist Todd Brunel. They will answer questions about the world of professional classical music, and Claudio Gabriele will present his compositions, starting with a sneak preview of the world-premiere performance of his piece for bass clarinet and tenor saxophone "Dans le vent".
Claudio Gabriele - Composer
Todd Brunel - Bass Clarinet
Dennis Shafer - Tenor Saxophone
Bunker Hill Community College, Auditorium A300 - 150 New Rutherford Avenue, Charlestown - Community College T-Stop, Orange Line
01 August 2011 -
Singapore Saxophone Symposium - Opening Concert
Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts
Amigo Saxophone Quartet
Perry Goldstein: Blow Michael Nyman: Songs for Tony I Thierry Escaich: Tango Virtuoso Eliott Carter: Canonic Suite Pasculli / Joshua Hyde: Le Api Lee Kah Hong Bernard: Though Nothing Can Bring Back The Hour (World Premiere) Astor Piazzolla: Fuga y Misterio Joe Hisaishi / Tak Chiu Wong: Princess Mononoke Suite
Ogni Suono Saxophone Duo Marilyn: Shrude Fantasmi François Rossé: Ximix James Bunch: Ogni suono e un essere vivente Claudio Gabriele: Duel
19 May 2011 -
19:30 -
Northwestern University Saxophone Ensemble
Pick-Staiger Concert Hall - Frederick L. Hemke, conductor
A program of diverse transcriptions and original compositions, including the world premiere of a work by Italian composer Claudio Gabriele. Gabriele’s catalog of over 100 compositions includes music for symphony orchestra, chamber ensembles, and the musical stage as well as pieces for saxophone solo and ensembles. He has collaborated with such artists as Douglas Dunn, Georges Aperghis, Matthew Jocelyn, Donatienne Michel-Dansac, Jean-Michel Goury, and Northwestern saxophone professor Frederick L. Hemke.
Leonard Bernstein (arr. Jonah Blum): Overture to Candide
Maurice Ravel (arr. Gary Bricault): Ma mère L'Oye
Ian Stewart: To Make a Prairie (world premiere)
Claude Debussy (arr. Harley Rex): La Fille aux Cheveux de Lin
Anatoly Liadov (arr. Frederick Hemke): The Enchanted Lake, Op. 62